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The Power of Humility: This Business Owner Found Success by Knocking Himself Down a Few Notches

“The cobbler’s kids have no shoes.” Mark Beach reveals how he finally created a successful e-commerce business after decades of failure...despite previous success as an accountant, executive, and consultant.

Mark Beach knows what it takes to make a business work.

He spent years as an accountant for large corporations (think Fortune 100 companies like Pepsi and Disney). He consulted with government agencies to bring best practices into their organization

So why couldn’t he get his own business off the ground?

“I never could seem to put it together for myself,” Mark says.

For over 25 years he had tried to build something of his own, but it just never “clicked.”

After failure upon failure, Mark thought about throwing in the towel. But by that point, he didn’t even consider himself “employable.”

And with 4 kids at home and 8 from a previous marriage (plus 19 grandkids!)…

Mark didn’t want his legacy to be “failure.”

So when Mark came across a training video from E-Commerce Business School about the 3 Pillars of E-commerce Success, he instantly saw his “fatal flaw.”

He realized why his previous attempts had failed. He had gotten the 3 Pillars all out of order!

So he backed out of his latest venture and focused all his energy on building his OWN online business, something he could grow in retirement.

Now, with the support of his wife, SherLynne, Mark is crushing it on Amazon, and he’s ahead of the plan he laid out for the business….

So how did the Beaches go from “back against the wall” to “We can start house hunting… we can take care of these things ourselves.”

Why do they finally see a light at the end of the tunnel, after 12 years of hardship?

We sat down with Mark and SherLynne to hear more about their journey, and it’s full of motivation, inspiration, and golden nuggets of advice.

In this amazing interview, you’ll hear:

  • How Mark realized why his businesses kept failing while he had great success helping OTHER PEOPLE make their fortunes. He instantly recognized the power of the 3 pillars and that he was, “A hundred percent bass-ackwards.”
  • Don’t know how to run a successful e-commerce business? That’s great news! Hear why Mark decided to act as if he didn’t know anything about business (even though he spent decades improving them).
  • Just another “bright, shiny bauble.” Why SherLynne hesitated about signing up for another business program and what changed her mind about EBS. Now she contributes to the business even while homeschooling four kids.
  • “The class is worth 10 times what we paid for it…” Mark (the accountant) explains how he could easily see paying a million dollars for Peak Performance Mentoring.
  • Mark and SherLynne describe the clear path forward they see for their business and why they’re hiring their first VA ahead of schedule!
  • The pricing strategy that keeps “ROI in the triple digits” and prevents the Beaches from racing to the bottom when they’re undercut by competitors.
  • The simple (but often overlooked) key to success in your business… and why so many people “shoot themselves in the feet” and miss the real power of E-Commerce Business School.

Sometimes all it takes is one insight to move you from a path of failures to one of financial success…if you’re willing to follow that insight with action.

That’s exactly what Mark and SherLynne Beach did, and I know you’ll enjoy hearing their story. Check out the video below for some amazing inspiration AND great advice.

Click here to discover how to set up an automated profitable e-commerce business in a 90-day sprint. Gain back your time with systems and a team to run them for you. We show you how!


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Ann Sieg

CEO & Founder of E-Commerce Business School

Ann is passionate about her mission to help 1000 people make $10,000 a month and finds every way possible to better empower entrepreneurs to be in control of their business and future. We do this by staying current and relevant with our unique high touch and supportive learning experience. Rightly so, she’s known as The Renegade with her “think outside the box” mindset. Ann has sold over $20,000,000 in products online.