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See How This Career Administrator and Military Veteran Built an Amazon Business from Scratch Without Getting Overwhelmed by the Details

Tia McClean went from zero to automated business while working a full-time day job, and she shares how you can put her organizational skills to work to scale your business.

What do you do when your boss tells you the company is closing? And that you won’t have a job once you help shut down the business?

Most people start looking for another job.

But not Tia McClean.

She started looking for an e-commerce business she could run herself. One that didn’t depend on the whims of other people.

As a business administrator and a military veteran, Tia knew that she had the organizational skills, the drive, and the attention to detail to run her own business.

She just didn’t know where to start. And she didn’t want to make a bunch of mistakes that would cost her time and money.

So when she saw that E-Commerce Business School provides hands-on coaching and a supportive community, she was ready to finally do something for herself.

And she’s been rocking it ever since, building a profitable, scalable Amazon business… one where she’s the person in charge, not just an order-taker.

In fact, Tia used her administrative skills to create an organized, streamlined system in her business. It helps her keep tabs on everything at a glance, but it also makes it easier for her to sell her business one day if she decides to.

We sat down with Tia to share her secrets as one of our top 90-Day Peak Performance grads.

Watch our interview below to discover:

  • What to do when you feel overwhelmed by starting your new business… This approach helps you make progress when it feels like you’re drinking from a fire hose
  • How to turn Facebook into a moneymaker instead of a time-waster
  • The simple (and free) tool that makes scaling your business easier, so you can dial up the profit on demand
  • How to build an Amazon business while working a full-time job (and without filling your garage with boxes)
  • The quick organizational tool that makes it easier to sell your business, and makes it a more valuable asset to buyers
  • And more!

Anyone can use Tia’s approach to simplify their business operations, even if you work full time or spend most of your days taking care of family. Click below to see how to quickly dial in your systems so your business runs itself.

Click here to discover how to set up an automated profitable e-commerce business in a 90-day sprint. Gain back your time with systems and a team to run them for you. We show you how!


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Ann Sieg

CEO & Founder of E-Commerce Business School

Ann is passionate about her mission to help 1000 people make $10,000 a month and finds every way possible to better empower entrepreneurs to be in control of their business and future. We do this by staying current and relevant with our unique high touch and supportive learning experience. Rightly so, she’s known as The Renegade with her “think outside the box” mindset. Ann has sold over $20,000,000 in products online.