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How to Tap into Your Inner Child and Turn Poop into Profits with Your Amazon Business

Certified coach and trainer Candida Lillard shares her best tips for finding the trends that turn little-known products into massive money-makers, so you can crush your sales targets.

What if you could know that a product would sell for a nice profit even before you bought it?

Even better… what if you actually sold all of your inventory before you even finished paying for it?

Because that’s exactly what Candida Lillard did one holiday season.

She noticed a product while shopping for shipping boxes (a classic Amazon seller story there).

It stood out because it was similar to a trendy toy she had sold on Amazon before. It was a flamingo instead of a unicorn, but still…

That unusual unicorn had turned into piles of profit, so she wondered if this similar product would do the same.

But here’s where Candida showed the power of being an experienced Amazon seller…

She didn’t simply buy the toy and hope for the best.

She scanned it, took a look at the data, and knew she had a winner before she purchased the weird flamingo.

In fact, she went ahead and listed the toys and bought out the store’s inventory.

Before she had finished checking out, her entire inventory had sold out…

She and her husband boxed the products in the car and dropped them off for shipping on the way home…

Talk about sales velocity!

The toys spent zero time in Candida’s inventory before they were sold and sent off to some lucky parents who were about to create a happy Christmas for their children.

So how did Candida do it? Did she just get lucky?

Or is it possible to spot and take advantage of trendy products to maximize your profits in Q4 (or at other times of the year)?

Fortunately, Candida is a certified coach and trainer here at E-Commerce Business School, so she sat down with Brian Cummings to share the details of her amazing find. And, more importantly, they share the tips and tricks you can use to do the same with your Amazon business.

Check out the video below to discover:

  • How to avoid the common trap that keeps Amazon Sellers from finding amazing deals on products that fly off the shelves
  • How to sell Christmas lights in July… This quick tip from Brian will help you identify and profit from seasonal bumps all year long
  • What to do when you find a great product but don’t want to compete with Amazon… Here’s the “Copycat Strategy” that helps you multiply your sales without lowering your prices
  • The simple mindset shift that will help you make a hefty profit from a trendy product, even when it’s sold out everywhere
    Why thinking like a child can help you find trends before your competition even knows they exist
  • How to find and evaluate the TWO pieces of data that will help you break personal sales records every Q4 so you can end the year on a high note

When it comes to maximizing your holiday profits, it’s not just a guessing game. You can make smart decisions that make you money.

Watch the video below to see how to prepare for your next Q4… It’s never too early to start.

Click here to discover how to set up an automated profitable e-commerce business in a 90-day sprint. Gain back your time with systems and a team to run them for you. We show you how!


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Ann Sieg

CEO & Founder of E-Commerce Business School

Ann is passionate about her mission to help 1000 people make $10,000 a month and finds every way possible to better empower entrepreneurs to be in control of their business and future. We do this by staying current and relevant with our unique high touch and supportive learning experience. Rightly so, she’s known as The Renegade with her “think outside the box” mindset. Ann has sold over $20,000,000 in products online.