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How to Solve the #1 Problem Amazon Sellers Face So You Can Multiply Your Profits… This Is the Gold Mine for Arbitrage Sellers!

Discover how one professional Amazon Seller sources hundreds of profitable products every month. You’ll always have something to sell when you put these methods in place!

When it comes to selling on Amazon, all business owners MUST answer one question… “Where do I find products I can sell for a profit on Amazon?” 

In fact, a lack of products is one of the biggest reasons people fail at starting an Amazon business. That might be hard to believe at first. After all, there are literally millions of products for sale on Amazon. 

So how hard can it be to find a few hundred that are profitable? 

Well, that “profitable” part is really key, and we’ll come back to that in a moment. But first, let’s talk about those millions of products for sale. 

Because that’s actually part of the problem… 

With a seemingly infinite number of products, new business owners often don’t know where to start. Especially when they aren’t sure which products they can even sell. 

So where do you start looking? Just randomly pick a category and start clicking? 

That’s one way to do it. But it’s gonna take a TON of time to sort through all the duds. 

What about leads lists? They send you a whole list of profitable products every day or week, right?

Absolutely! Leads lists are a great place to start sourcing. But they also come with lots of competition. Because that same list is going to tens or even hundreds of other sellers. 

And once they all jump on a listing, they can quickly suck the profit out of a product. 

That’s why we recommend that students go beyond the leads lists. With the right sourcing strategies, you can take a leads list of 10 products and turn it into a list of hundreds! And you can make sure the list is tailored to your account and YOUR profit goals. 


That’s what Mei Alvarez is here to show you. 

Mei is one of our rockstar students. And she did so well that she’s now one of our amazing coaches. She has a Ph.D. in biochemistry, so she knows how to break a problem down and solve it piece by piece. 

That’s exactly what she did with product sourcing. She picked it apart and developed her own advanced sourcing methods. 

After lots of testing, she figured out how to maximize those techniques. Bringing her tons of new products. 

And when she taught those methods to her virtual assistants? They started finding hundreds of products for her to evaluate every week. 

In fact, she had so many great products coming in that she couldn’t buy them all! So she started a leads list company to share these valuable leads with other sellers. 

Now Mei has a whole team using these advanced techniques, and they’re developing new ideas in the field all the time. 

We know sourcing is a common obstacle for sellers. So we asked Mei to share some of her favorite techniques for hunting down profitable products. 

These are the same methods her team uses. 

And they’re exactly what arbitrage sellers need to make sure they always have plenty of products to choose from. 

This is high-level sourcing from the people out there doing it every day. So watch this special training below to discover:

  • Mei’s top five advanced sourcing techniques to help you move beyond the low-hanging fruit. Each one of these opens a whole new world of products up for you. 
  • If you’ve ever said “I can’t find anything to sell!” then don’t miss Mei’s strategies to unlock a virtually endless supply of products.  
  • How the Netflix Hack can help you turn a single product source into thousands of product leads. All you have to do is know where to look on Amazon AND your favorite retailers! 
  • Why Mei doesn’t take “NO” for a final answer… Here’s what she does instead, and how that simple change has helped her build multiple businesses!
  • The simple, but little-known, technique that helps reduce competition from leads lists. Once you try this, you’ll never even think about just “buying the list” again… 
  • Get bummed out when you find out your source charges for shipping? Mei says that’s actually a good thing. And she shows you how to turn “duds” into profitable products even when you pay for shipping costs. 
  • Plus, see the classic “Teach them to fish” technique Mei uses to empower an entire team of VAs. So her business is running almost 24/7 whether she’s awake, asleep, or on vacation.

Sourcing is the number one skill to master as an arbitrage seller. It’s what will help you continue to grow even as you automate more and more of your business. Because, without products, you wouldn’t have a store to begin with. That’s why you’ll want to check out this advanced training right away. Click below to get started.

Click here to discover how to set up an automated profitable e-commerce business in a 90-day sprint. Gain back your time with systems and a team to run them for you. We show you how!


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Ann Sieg

CEO & Founder of E-Commerce Business School

Ann is passionate about her mission to help 1000 people make $10,000 a month and finds every way possible to better empower entrepreneurs to be in control of their business and future. We do this by staying current and relevant with our unique high touch and supportive learning experience. Rightly so, she’s known as The Renegade with her “think outside the box” mindset. Ann has sold over $20,000,000 in products online.