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How Successful Amazon Sellers Prepare for the Holiday Rush to Maximize Sales and Profits

Don’t get stuck on the sidelines this Q4... Here’s how our members get ready for the huge spikes that show up every holiday season.

Holiday shopping has become almost legendary at this point.

But unlike most legends, the stories of enormous spikes, epic battles, and fortunes won are true here.

If the spikes you’re talking about are a jump in sales. And the battles are for the buy box. As for the fortunes…

The momentum built in a great fourth quarter can shoot you into the next year with energy (and capital) to grow your business faster than ever.

But here’s what many e-commerce business owners fail to realize…

You can’t simply do business as usual and hope to ride the wave along with everyone else.

Sure, you might see a nice bump. But once you run out of inventory, you’ll be left watching everyone else’s numbers climb ever higher.

Unless, of course, you’ve prepared.

That’s why I asked our Director of Coaching and Training, Brian Cummings, to put together a special training to help you understand just how powerful Q4 is and how to prepare.

Brian has more than a dozen holiday seasons under his belt, and he’s helped dozens of our members blow past their goals for Q4, making it truly the “most wonderful time of the year.”

So what does it take to supercharge your business in the next holiday rush?

Check out the video below to discover:

  • How online shopping habits have radically shifted, and why that’s great news for Amazon sellers who know what to do about it
  • The 3 simple strategies our successful students use to ride the Q4 tidal wave
  • Why the retail cycle can make or break an Amazon business, and how you can use these three months to catapult your business into the next year
  • How to tap into friendly competition to drive your revenue (and profit) higher… One member used this strategy to break 400k in one year thanks to a great December!
  • Why it’s never too late (or too early) to take advantage of the Q4 cycle
  • The hidden habit that led one member to TRIPLE her sales goal in her first Q4

For Amazon sellers, Q4 is one of the most important times of the year, and a successful season can accelerate your business growth.

Watch the video below to find out more, so you can make the next Q4 your best yet.

Click here to discover how to set up an automated profitable e-commerce business in a 90-day sprint. Gain back your time with systems and a team to run them for you. We show you how!


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Ann Sieg

CEO & Founder of E-Commerce Business School

Ann is passionate about her mission to help 1000 people make $10,000 a month and finds every way possible to better empower entrepreneurs to be in control of their business and future. We do this by staying current and relevant with our unique high touch and supportive learning experience. Rightly so, she’s known as The Renegade with her “think outside the box” mindset. Ann has sold over $20,000,000 in products online.