Want to know the secret to having a profitable, scalable Amazon business that virtually runs itself?
You need to have a strong team behind you.
And that’s easier than ever these days when you can hire hardworking, talented people from all around the world… for pennies on the dollar.
But many Amazon sellers are intimidated by the thought of hiring an assistant, especially one that lives halfway around the world.
That’s why Brian Cummings, EBS Director of Training and Coaching, created a special training for our community.
He reveals the low-down on his best practices for hiring a virtual assistant (VA).
Brian has more than 20 years of experience hiring workers from around the world for his various online businesses.
He’s seen just about every situation you could imagine.
So we knew this would be a value-packed training for our community.
What we didn’t expect?
That Brian would actually need to hire a VA the same week he delivered the training!
But due to an unexpected shift in his own team, Brian found himself in search of a VA.
And not just any VA…
He needed a unicorn with a wide range of skills and strengths.
Brian’s conundrum turned out to be a blessing for the community.
Because it gave everyone an opportunity to walk right alongside him as he went through his own search.
And we all got to peek inside his mind as he made a crucial hiring decision for his business.
This training had so much value, we had to split it across two weeks. (Plus, we all wanted to learn the exciting conclusion to Brian’s vexing question.)
In Part One, you’ll get Brian’s handy framework for hiring VAs. And he reveals the drama happening in his own team.
In Part Two, you’ll watch Brian walk through the framework himself as he evaluates real candidates for his job posting.
You’ll get to see his decision-making process in action. And you’ll see his creative solution to his own VA dilemma.
Watch the exciting two-part series below to discover:
- Where to look for high-quality VAs who will make you more money and free up your time.
- How to decide on the must-have qualities for your new hire. If you can’t get this down, you could be looking for another VA sooner than you think.
- The hidden VA marketplace that could bring you the exact help you need… without ever placing a job ad.
- Why you should look for someone who can replace you instead of simply taking orders.
- The simple, 5-part strategy for creating a job listing that will help you find the perfect candidate.
- Why skills and training aren’t always the most important quality in a candidate, and what to look for instead.
- How to make sure you don’t get burned by scammers or dishonest candidates trying to steal a quick buck.
- Plus, see how Brian resolves his own VA dilemma with a potential Win-Win-Win solution.
This training is just too much value for a single video. So be sure to check out Part One and Two of the story below.