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Amazon Business Strategist Reveals the 5-Step Action Plan that Turns Your Revenue Dreams into Reality

Here’s how to transform your vision into a tangible, actionable plan so you can reach your profit goals faster and start living a life of freedom, independence, and prosperity.

If you’re starting or growing an Amazon business, you know it can feel overwhelming at times.

With dozens of moving parts, there’s always something that needs to be done, from sourcing and shipping to repricing and returns.

Once you have solid systems in place, though, you can automate and delegate more of these tasks.

But how do you ever find time to work on the systems?

Well, first you need to have a goal.

And I’m not talking about a lofty vision for your business-like, “I want to break $100,000 in sales this year.”

That’s a great target, and it’s totally achievable when you build your business the right way. But it isn’t the kind of specific, short-term goal that you can take action on right away.

What you really need is a specific plan to move your business where you want. AND you need the right systems in place to help you along the way.

If that sounds like a lot to figure out, then don’t worry…

Because we happen to have THE MASTER of plans and systems right here at E-Commerce Business School.

Brian Cummings, our Director of Training and Coaching, has nearly two decades of experience in online business.

And he’s helped thousands of Amazon sellers put systems in place to make their businesses more profitable, efficient, and actually fun to manage!

So Brian and I sat down for a special training session to reveal the simple steps you can take to move closer to your vision for your business.

This is a practical, actionable plan that you can create and start working on today!

So watch our interview below to discover:

  • How to sharpen your “Business Sword” so you create the future you desire… instead of just leaving it up to chance.
  • The difference between “Process Goals” and “Outcome Goals” and how to use them both to see significant progress in your business.
  • Feel like you’re playing “Whack A Mole” with problems in your business? Here’s how to use long-term thinking to get your most important work done first.
  • The common, everyday technology that switches you into “Sprint Mode” so you get your most important tasks off your plate in 30 minutes or less.
  • Ever set a goal but fail to reach it? You were probably missing these 2 essential steps that supercharge your results.
  • Many sellers know that SOPs help you be more efficient, but did you know they’re actually an ASSET that makes your Amazon business easier to sell? That’s right! And Brian shows you how to create an SOP in 5 simple steps so you can free up more time AND boost the value of your business today.
  • Plus more mindset shifts that keep you motivated for the long-term…!

Our members loved the way Brian broke down this process. So if you want to take action to move closer to your goals today, the first step is to watch the video below.

Click here to discover how to set up an automated profitable e-commerce business in a 90-day sprint. Gain back your time with systems and a team to run them for you. We show you how!


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Ann Sieg

CEO & Founder of E-Commerce Business School

Ann is passionate about her mission to help 1000 people make $10,000 a month and finds every way possible to better empower entrepreneurs to be in control of their business and future. We do this by staying current and relevant with our unique high touch and supportive learning experience. Rightly so, she’s known as The Renegade with her “think outside the box” mindset. Ann has sold over $20,000,000 in products online.